
Chester CNG Cuboid

The Chester Cuboid is the latest product In Chester's line of natural gas processing and handllng systems. Designed for transporting CNG to its point of use, the Chester Cuboid Is designed to transport natural gas at 5500 psi. Its unique design allows the cuboid to be easlly loaded In slngle or multlple units on trucks or ships for transportation. The cuboid Is designed to dellver 23,000 cubic foot of natural gas, and four (4) cubolds can flt on a standard 40 ft trailer for a total of 92,000 cubic foot of gas. A single standard cube provides 6.4 MW-hr of energy.

The cuboid can be customized to deliver larger capacities of natural gas.


Chester Virtual Pipeline

Chester’s virtual pipeline delivers gas to locations:

  • Wherever a pipeline is not available
  • Wherever a pipeline's connection is cost-prohibitive
  • Wherever a modular system for gas compression or liquefaction offers the best immediate solution
  • Wherever natural gas in liquid or gaseous form can be transported via roadways, waterways, or railways to remote locations where it's needed

Our virtual pipeline systems are developed to meet user needs often neglected or cannot be supported by large scale providers.


Virtual Pipeline Engineering Services

Chester LNG provides engineering for the entire virtual pipeline value chain.

Chester LNG provides engineering for the following plants:

  • CNG
  • LNG
  • GTL
  • GTW

Chester LNG will provide all engineering and support systems to serve a virtual pipeline network, including the performance of:

  • Feasibility Studies
  • Economic Evaluations
  • Engineering Design
  • Engineering Deployment & Commissioning
  • Engineering Consulting & Support

Virtual Pipeline Equipment

  • MMS LNG Plant (standard 30,000 GPD mobile and modular LNG plant
  • CNG Plant (gas compression and storage)
  • GTL Plant (LPG, condensates production)
  • GTW Plant (compressor stations supporting gas gathering pipeline system or standalone pipeline)

Virtual Pipelines Users

Chester’s virtual pipeline supports a wide variety of users including:

  • Small Capacity Power Plants
  • Residential Users
  • Gas Stations
  • Hospitals
  • Municipalities
  • Industrial Users
  • Government Facilities

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